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Beer, liquor & Wine DELIVERY FEES

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Stay home be

online alcohol delivery

Same day delivery


Stay home and

grocery delivery



Stay home be

Same day delivery


Stay home and

Food Delivery


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restaurant delivery

Food Delivery


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Packages and

online wine delivery

Local in town


Packages and



Stay home be

online alcohol delivery

Product prices and availability change frequently and may not be exact. You will receive an updated receipt showing accurate pricing
once delivery is made. Some products may not be available even though they are listed. We will contact you if this happens to discuss alternate options.


DELIVERY FROM: We currently deliver alcoholic beverages like Beer, Wine, Liquor and Mixers – Delivered right to Your Door. We are glad to bring you great value and service. If you have questions, please contact us. (Orders may be limited to a maximum of $500 per order)


We are proud to offer delivery services in and around town. There are some locations we are unable to deliver to; if this applies to you, we will contact you. Orders beyond 3.5 miles may be subject to additional fees.


We reserve the right to refuse any delivery. We also have limits on large orders both in size / weight, and in the number of items. Orders need to fit in a compact vehicle unless arranged in advance. Please be respectable with your expectations and read below for more info. We are not responsible for any additional fees related to your items. Once the items have shipped or are in processing mode, we can no longer return items or post a return / cancel without applying additional charges. By using our service, you agreed to our complete terms and conditions.


Our pricing policy ensures transparency with no hidden fees—what you see are product prices, with delivery fees clearly added separately. Please note that prices in physical stores may differ from those you find online; cart totals will be updated after we have picked up your items to reflect the most accurate in-store prices. Delivery fees are added your total after shopping for your products. To ensure smooth payment processing, a buffer amount is temporarily added for preauthorization; this amount is not charged to your card. After delivery, you will receive a detailed receipt that includes all fees. The final amount presented by the driver at your door, which includes the adjusted buffer, is the correct total, regardless of any previously advertised prices.

Extra Delivery Charges

Prices listed are for a single pickup and destination only. Additional fees apply for multiple stops. Fees for extra stops vary depending on the nature of your delivery and distance travelled.


Our service depends on speed. In fairness to all customers, we do not wait around for people or orders to show up, or for pickups that were edited some time after the order was placed. You may incur additional charges if we are required to wait any longer than 10 minutes and for every 10 minute increment thereafter.


We do not mark up prices, we only add delivery fees. Prices in stores may differ from what you find on the internet, in store flyers, or on this site, and so, cart prices will be updated AFTER we pick up your items. We add the delivery fees to your total order after we pick up or shop for any products that cost money. You will receive an updated receipt including all fees after delivery is made. The amount shown by the driver at the door is the final and correct amount, regardless of any advertised prices shown anywhere. (*More products coming soon.)

Extra Delivery Charges

Prices listed are for a single pickup and destination only. Additional fees apply for multiple stops. Fees for extra stops vary depending on the nature of your delivery and distance travelled.


Our service depends on speed. In fairness to all customers, we do not wait around for people or orders to show up, or for pickups that were edited some time after the order was placed. You may incur additional charges if we are required to wait any longer than 10 minutes and for every 10 minute increment thereafter.

Extra Alcohol Delivery Charges

Age of majority: If you fail to provide proof of age by not showing us your government issued photo identification, we will be forced to return alcoholic beverages at your expense. In addition to the above, the person to which the order is made must be the one who accepts the order; if these criteria are not met, we will be forced to return products and you may incur return delivery charges.

Overage Charges:An overage charge of $1.50 can also apply for the each of the following:

  • Every 12 bottles of beer over 36 bottles of beer
  • Every 1 bottle of liquor over 3 bottles of liquor
  • Every 1 bottle of wine over 3 bottles of wine

*A required stop at the Liquor Store and additional Store is a min. extra $5.00

While we try to avoid overage charges, when they are necessary you will be provided with an updated invoice or otherwise notified.

*Delivery is made to the shipping address on your order. If you require special services, please add a note at the bottom of the checkout page. *Extra charges may apply for incorrect addresses entered.

*Credit / Debit card orders add 5% because we incur these extra charges too.

*Delivery times above vary by pick up location or delivery type, and time of day. These are our estimates (in town only). . Max delivery times may vary due to weather, road conditions etc.


Extra Grocery Charges

  • When this service is available, same day grocery orders must be made by 4pm or you are required to add Rush Service if you expect delivery prior to closing.
  • Prices listed are for a single pickup and destination only. We may waive this fee at our discretion and only if delivery can be made at time of our choosing (same day).
wine delivery online

order priority

ZippySip is primarily an alcohol delivery related technology service.  Some locations may offer Grocery, Restaurant or Courier Delivery Services.

Grocery and Courier deliveries are not priority during peak restaurant delivery hours. Alcohol deliveries are considered priority over Courier and Grocery Deliveries. 


order information

You will receive an email once your order is submitted but sometimes there may be short technical delays due to internet or technological issues outside our control. For logistical reasons, some items in the same purchase may be sent as separate packages even if you’ve specified combined shipping.

If you have questions, please contact us and we will do our best to help you out.

Things We Do Not Deliver:

  • Ice cream on sticks or in cups, or at all.
  • Illegal products
  • People
  • Furniture
  • Live Animals
  • Anything that won’t fit in a typical smaller vehicles (contact us if you have other needs)
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